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2024-01-08 21:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Background: Psoriasis is a chronically relapsing inflammatory skin disease primarily perpetuated by skin-resident IL-17-producing T (T17) cells. Pellino-1 (Peli1) belongs to a member of E3 ubiquitin ligase mediating immune receptor signaling cascades, including nuclear factor kappa-light-chain enhancer of activated B cells (NF-魏B) pathway.

Objective: We explored the potential role of Peli1 in psoriatic inflammation in the context of skin-resident T17 cells.

Methods: We performed single-cell RNA sequencing of relapsing and resolved psoriatic lesions with analysis for validation data set of psoriasis. Mice with systemic and conditional depletion of Peli1 were generated to evaluate the role of Peli1 in imiquimod-induced psoriasiform dermatitis. Pharmacologic inhibition of Peli1 in human CD4+ T cells and ex vivo human skin cultures was also examined to evaluate its potential therapeutic implications.

Results: Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis revealed distinct T-cell subsets in relapsing psoriasis exhibiting highly enriched gene signatures for (1) tissue-resident T cells, (2) T17 cells, and (3) NF-魏B signaling pathway including PELI1. Peli1-deficient mice were profoundly protected from psoriasiform dermatitis, with reduced IL-17A production and NF-魏B activation in 纬未 T17 cells. Mice with conditional depletion of Peli1 treated with FTY720 revealed that Peli1 was intrinsically required for the skin-resident T17 cell immune responses. Notably, pharmacologic inhibition of Peli1 significantly ameliorated murine psoriasiform dermatitis and IL-17A production from the stimulated human CD4+ T cells and ex vivo skin explants modeling psoriasis.

Conclusion: Targeting Peli1 would be a promising therapeutic strategy for psoriasis by limiting skin-resident T17 cell immune responses.






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